another classical luca telling a teen dream. in the dream nothing is real but he never fails to overwhelm you with the aching feeling of coming of age. something to remember tho, being able to dream and the urgency of that make up a large part of that particular age. pure raving beauty.
三星半 为了dianna agron看的 里面一句shes possibly the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen夸得很到位 整体是一部让社恐尴尬癌患者共情到半窒息 头皮发麻才能看完的电影 结束后真的难以相信只有75分钟 Maya承担了所有忘不掉的ex的所有特质:嘴炮达人 在乎到有点神经质 和那句破防的”but u never called” 非常能relate到Danielle的是所有人都认为bi is just experimenting 总之worth a try 看完才能知道海报上裙子上的食物原来可以那么倒胃口